Reflections of a Newsosaur

donderdag 19 maart 2009 ·

journalismAlan D. Mutter began his career as a newspaper columnist and editor in Chicago. In 1984, he became the No. 2 editor of the San Francisco Chronicle. He left the newspaper business in 1988 to join InterMedia Partners, a start-up company that within five years became one of the 12 largest cable-TV companies in the U.S. Mutter was the COO of InterMedia when he moved to Silicon Valley in 1996 to lead the first of the three start-up companies he managed as CEO. The companies he headed were a pioneering Internet service provider and two enterprise-software companies. Mutter now is a Managing Partner of Tapit Partners, where, among other activities, he is involved in new media ventures that combine his twin passions, journalism and technology.

The best and worst time for journalism

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